Enhanced Archive

Enhanced Archive is a licensed application. This page will not appear if your license does not include the application.


To configure the Enhanced Archive application, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the UCx Web-based Configuration Utility
  2. From the PBX tab, select PBX Tools
  3. From the left side column, select Enhanced Archive
  4. In the Schedule field, the default value is Disabled, this setting indicates the Enhanced Archive is disabled
  5. To enable the Enhanced Archive application, select Hourly or Daily from the pull-down list
  6. If Daily is selected, you can select the Hour (in 24 hour time format) to perform the archive
  7. Enter the FTP Server IP Address, User ID and Password
  8. Press the Save button to complete the configuration

See Enhanced Archive Server for complete steps on setting up Enhanced Archive.


To check the status of the backups, perform the following steps: 

  1. Open the UCx Web-based Configuration Utility
  2. From the Support tab, select System Log Files
  3. From the pull-down menu, select ucx_earchive.log